Organization/Community Group Acquisition of the RBCC Application


  1. The successful candidate/organization will assume the current lease and utility expenses for the facility. This lease expires in July 2024. All current programming covers the cost of this lease and all utilities. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to renew this lease.
  2. The successful candidate/organization will maintain an Executive Board of Directors (minimum 7 members) to make all decisions regarding the RBCC.
  3. The successful candidate/organization will complete the necessary paperwork to change the name of the Riverbender Community Center and maintain the 501(c) status under the new management’s name.
  4. The successful candidate/organization will honor all laws regarding 501(c) nonprofit status organizations.
  5. The successful candidate/organization will continue programming for teens, seniors, families, special events, etc.
  6. The successful candidate/organization will collaborate with community groups, municipalities, and other groups when it may benefit the community.
  7. The successful candidate/organization will assume all equipment/materials and bank account balance at the end of the current lease term. 

Please write a formal proposal by completing responses to the topics below. Please be thorough as to show the thoughts behind your intentions for the RBCC. All applications must be submitted no later than July 15, 2022. 


What is the importance of an Executive Board team? How will you conduct meetings? For what decisions will this team be responsible? What experience have you had as a Board Member of another organization? What is your plan for recruiting and maintaining board members?


What community groups will you approach regarding collaborating with the RBCC? Why are these collaborations so important to the success of the RBCC? How will you retain these relationships?


What groups will you program for? List at least five factors that need consideration when designing programming. Why are these so important? What experience have you had programming for groups?


Why is marketing important? What type of marketing needs to occur? How will you accomplish the marketing that is necessary? 


Explain how you will budget funds for the RBCC. What experience do you have budgeting for a large organization? 


What is your plan for volunteer recruitment? Training? Why do you believe volunteers continue and stay loyal to a cause? How will you retain your volunteers?

FACILITY MAINTENANCE: How are you planning to maintain the facility, equipment, materials and supplies? How will you prioritize what is in need of repair?